A site for Homebrewing ideas, Ingredients and Building projects (mostly brewing related)
So, What are we brewing and building?
….and why would they be linked? Well essentially we do a lot of both, and it makes sense to share some of it. Most of the Homebrewing is in the form of beer, so there will be a large focus toward that, however, we have a small orchard here at the farm, so every year we brew a few batches of cider. Also, we have been slowly growing our bee colonies, so that we are able to brew honey based beverages such as mead and braggots as well, with the possibility of growing the mead side of the operation over time.
On the building side, we’ve been rebuilding the farm for a long time, but we’d now like to focus on building our home micro/nano-brewery. This is going to have to fit in with the other farm projects, so it might be a long journey. Nonetheless, I’ll try to keep any building articles to more brewing related if I can.
So, have a look through, and also check out the Brew and Build YouTube channel as well.
Homebrewing recipes and brewdays
This is where you’ll find a series of posts on brewing recipes, brewdays and ‘How to make it’ articles.
There’s are ingredients that are hard to get from your local homebrew shop, and there are some that are expensive to buy, but are easy to make or forage. No matter what, they add dimensions to your homebrewing that separate your brews from the average ones. Here we’ll look at how to make some, and how to forage some….
Homebrewing Projects and Methods
Here is where you will find tips on brewing methods and also some unusual homebrewing projects.
Homebrew Equipment Reviews
A few reviews of brewing products and possibly some relevant building tools